Friday 25 May 2007

Let's Go Scratch

by Andrew Pass

I downloaded "Scratch" and played with it for a while too. I share exactly the same feeling as Andrew:

When I first saw the program I struggled with it for a few minutes, realized that I had other things to be doing and so decided to come back later.

It is inspiring to read Andrew's description of how a digital native approached the program.
Michael, on the other hand, saw the program and wasted no time. He seemed to know what to do by instinct.

This gets me thinking:
1. Is "Scratch" developed by digital native too? [I'll find out later.] If yes, that means there is a way of doing things that we digital immigrants do not understand. If no, what is the bridge between the developers' world view and the digital natives that we immigrants are lacking? Or is it something else?
2. I argued that a simulator by itself cannot be a learning tool. [We need game goals which align learning objectives to the activity.] Is it true that digital natives do not need additional motivation, like game goals?

I am posting more questions than answers. All those learned, please enlighten me.

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