Wednesday 27 December 2006

Informal Learning - some definitions

Informal work-related adult education activities that take place without an instructor. Examples of such activities include on-the-job demonstrations by a supervisor or coworker; on-the-job mentoring or supervised training; self-paced study using books, videos, or computer-based software; attendance at brown-bag or informal presentations; and attendance at conferences, trade shows, or conventions related to one’s work or career. []

Informal learning: Refers to learning resulting from daily work-related, family or leisure activities.

Occurs in everyday life and may not even be recognized as learning by the individual.

links to explorations of learning through participation in the life of a group or association (also talks about "informal learning as an administrative concept")[]

# Formal learning takes place in education and training institutions leading to recognised diplomas and qualifications
# Non-formal learning takes place alongside the mainstream systems of education and training and does not typically lead to formal certification, e.g. learning and training activities undertaken in the workplace, voluntary sector or trade union and through community-based learning
# Informal learning can be defined as experiential learning and takes place through life and work experiences. It is often unintentional learning. The learner may not recognise at the time of the experience that it contributed to the development of their skills and knowledge. This recognition may only happen retrospectively through the RPL process, unless the experiences take place as part of a planned experiential, or work-based learning programme
[ The same text is also referred at]

People don't learn - informally or otherwise - when they are not doing anything. Informal learning isn't 'water cooler learning'. People learn when they are doing something. Informal learning is the learning you do while you're in the process of doing something else. [OLDaily - Stephen Downes]

1 comment:

Meir Navon said...

Hi Albert,
I agree with Downes that people learn only they are doing something, but what he fails to grasp ( unless I misunderstood him) that we're always doing something!! One of the best places to learn is by the water cooler, if we define learning as getting knowledge that will make us improved employees and more able to perform our tasks.
You just posted Downes' quote. What's your opinion?