League of Worlds: The International Conference on Exploring Virtuality
2nd Annual Conference on Online Simulations, Role-Playing, and Virtual Worlds
November 14 – 18, 2005
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
The League of Worlds annual conference brings together people engaged in the creation of virtual worlds and real-time simulations for educational, artistic and creative purposes. Our mission is
(1) to stimulate and disseminate research and analysis regarding the theoretical, technical and curricular developments in; and
(2) to contribute towards the development of coherent frameworks for the advancement, application and assessment of creative, educational, and social uses of role-playing, simulations and virtual worlds.
Our primary areas of interest include:
a. theoretical analysis
b. the development of practical applications
c. the documentation of framework projects and case studies
The League of Worlds symposium is a paperless conference. Works and contributions will be distributed electronically and notices will be posted on a web-based conference discussion board. This year's theme is: "
Playing and Learning in Virtual Environments." Presenters should challenge participants to take a fresh look at the questions that arise when people meet in virtual territories to play, to learn, and to share. Participation is purposely limited and there will be no concurrent sessions. Instead, participants are encouraged to attend each presentation and integrate their own perspectives and expertise into the conversation.
Presentation CategoriesThe League of Worlds conference is designed to support sharing and meaningful reflection. Presentations should allow participants the opportunity to share experiences, to demonstrate technologies, and to think critically. To facilitate these activities, the conference review committee is interested particularly in the following types of activities:
• Posters/Demonstrations
• Panels
• Roundtables
• Symposia
• Tutorials
• Workshops
All accepted papers and demonstration descriptions will be posted online by September 2005 so participants may read them before attending LoW2 (see below for deadlines). Presenters should plan for between 1-2 hours for their sessions.
ProceedingsConference proceedings are peer-reviewed and will be published on the conference website. The proceedings will contain all accepted papers, a list of attendees, and the conference program. Papers should be between 2500-5000 words (4-8 pages). All others should be between 1250- 3500 words (2-5 pages).
Important DatesAbstract June 1, 2005
Draft August 1, 2005
Final version September 1, 2005
ProposalsPlease submit the following by June 1, 2005:
1. A title and an 80-100 word abstract/description
2. A presentation format (e.g., panel, demonstration, symposium, etc.).
Notification of acceptance will be made by JUNE 30, 2005. Accepted presentations will be required to submit the following by August 1, 2005:
1. A draft of the paper or a detailed description of the demonstration.
2. Pertinent information about the presenter(s) including:
a. Names of lead presenter and co-presenters, if applicable
b. Contact information for each
c. Affiliated institution(s)
d. Job Title(s)
e. Experience with virtual worlds, simulations, and/or role playing technology
To be included in the final program and conference proceedings, please submit the following by September 1, 2005:
1. The complete paper or demonstration description
2. Registration and full payment.
3. An indication of any special requirements related to diets, equipment, or other pertinent needs
Submit all proposals in Word, RTF, or HTML format to:
Dr. Stephen Bronack, Ph.D. at bronacksc _at_ appstate dot edu
Mr. Roni Linser
Director, 2005 LoW Conference
E-mail: roni _at_ leagueofworlds dot com OR simplay dot net _at gmail dot com
Website: http://www.leagueofworlds.com